Python, Scratch, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Lego Wedo, Microbit, Arduino
We provide LIVE interactive programming classes for children aged 6-15 years old.
We provide LIVE interactive programming classes for children aged 6-15 years old.
Our mission is to spark children's imagination by introducing them to the world of Programming, Robotics and STEM in a fun and engaging way.
We offer extremely high quality courses for children in Scratch, Python, Lego WeDo, Micro:bit, Arduino and Raspberry-Pi programming at highly competitive prices.
Our enthusiastic staff loves teaching programming to children. Our teachers have taught programming to 1000s of children across the world.
Check out this great video
Everything we do we believe will take our students on a programming journey from novice to mastery. We strive hard to make great programmers of tomorrow. We just happen to teach Python language very well. Want to join us in the journey?
All of our courses are conducted interactively online on Google Hangouts.
The lessons are conducted in groups of 6-10 students.
Students and instructor all login to the "Google Hangouts"; which is an online meeting room where you can share your video, voice and computer screens.
The students can see teacher and their computer screens and follow instructions and ask doubts.
Students do programming interactively with the Instructor. If students face any issues while doing programming then the instructor can look at students' screen and guides them to resolve issues.
Our online courses work very much like face to face lessons; with the added advantage that the children attend lessons from the comfort of their home.
After the course students can view the course content online (No downloads allowed).
See this link below to find out of How Google hangout works: